Registered Charity No. 288042

Helping to preserve Suffolk’s archival heritage

FOSA Membership form.pdf
All content © Friends of Suffolk Archives
Registered Charity No. 288042

Please join us today to:

help us continue securing valuable documents and records for Suffolk.

help publicise and promote the Suffolk Archives and its important work.

have a voice in important discussions about the future of local archives and record offices.

Membership of the Friends of Suffolk Archives costs just £12 per annum.

You can download the Membership Form using the link below. Please print it out, complete it and send it to us at the address indicated.

Membership form

FOSA GIft Aid Declaration form.pdf

Gift Aid declaration



The form below can be used to set up a new Standing Order for your membership.

If you are a UK taxpayer we can reclaim Income Tax on subscriptions and donations you have made to us. Please download, print and complete this Gift Aid declaration.

FOSA GIft Aid Declaration form.pdf

Gift Aid declaration

If you are a UK taxpayer we can reclaim Income Tax on subscriptions and donations you have made to us. Please download, print and complete this Gift Aid declaration.

FOSA Standing Order form.pdf

Standing Order form